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Inside ASPPA

Growing professionally, making new connections and strengthening existing ones, exchanging ideas on actions you can take to build your business — there’s never a bad time for any of these. But the start of a new year is an especially good time, and ASPPA will be offering an ideal opportunity in the... READ MORE
There are just a few days left to weigh in on which industry trends cause you the most pain! There’s still time — but only a little — to be part of the market research ASPPA is conducting. After the third week, the top five pain points are:  Mergers and acquisitions/Controlled groups and... READ MORE
Do you know of an ASPPA member who has made a significant contribution to pension education, especially in the last 12 months? You can help make it possible for him or her to receive recognition! Nominations are now being accepted by the ASPPA Retirement Plan Academy Advisory Group for ASPPA’s... READ MORE
Have you voted yet in the market research ASPPA is conducting? The results are rolling in, but you can still participate in ASPPA’s effort to identify industry trends that regularly cause the most pain. After the first week, the top five pain points are:  Mergers and acquisitions Affiliated... READ MORE
ASPPA is conducting market research with TPAs and consultants in mind to help develop our educational offerings. Please take five minutes to participate in a fun, interactive online voting tool — tell us what industry trend regularly causes you the most pain and prevents you from becoming more... READ MORE
The ASPPA Annual Conference — an ideal opportunity to share quality time with representatives from every aspect of the retirement plan industry — will be held Oct. 26-29. Registration for the 2014 conference is now open.With the dynamics of the workforce changing and many converging disruptors to... READ MORE
The ASPPA Board of Directors has decided that the best way to serve the society’s traditional members going forward is to create a new sister organization focused solely on their unique needs and concerns. The Board has recommended keeping the ASPPA name for the new sister, given its almost 50-year... READ MORE
There are things you should do — and not do — in using social media. And it’s especially complicated for those in the retirement plan industry, since social media communications must comply with the rules promulgated by regulatory bodies and others. Join us for an upcoming webcast, “Realities of... READ MORE
Welcome to the first issue of ASPPA Connect — the brand new e-newsletter of the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries! As an ASPPA member, you’ll receive ASPPA Connect twice a week, on Monday and Thursday. It will provide an engaging mix of news coverage, business intel,... READ MORE
