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ARA Files Suit to Protect QKA Trademark

Inside ASPPA

For more than two decades, ASPPA’s Qualified 401(k) Administrator/QKA credentials have established a level of professional expertise among those who work with 401(k) plans—a trademark that is now being undermined by another organization.

Because of ASPPA’s extensive and continued support and promotion of this credential, hundreds of ASPPA members have enjoyed and benefited from the professional recognition. In fact, due to substantial time and monetary investments over the past two decades, the Qualified 401(k) Administrator/QKA credential names have become the benchmark for this type of credential and enjoy wide recognition among retirement plan professionals.

We were therefore surprised to learn that the National Institute of Pension Administrators (NIPA) had announced plans to launch a new credential targeting the same group of individuals, and apparently encompassing much the same ground—and using an almost identical name—Accredited 401(k) Administrator, or AKA—one that seems purposely designed to create confusion in the marketplace.

As if that weren’t troubling enough, NIPA has announced that one of the ways individuals can obtain their credential—“automatically”—is to have already earned the QKA—to pay NIPA a fee, complete an exam equivalency form (as even they admit the content is comparable)—oh, and then you can join NIPA for 50% off NIPA’s normal membership fee. 

We reached out to NIPA, brought our concerns to their attention, and requested that they take steps to resolve this unnecessary, confusing and provocative choice of labeling. Unfortunately, they have refused to do so—and thus, in order to protect the investment that so many have made in earning this credential, and in an effort to prevent confusion in the marketplace and among the employers and plan sponsors who have placed their trust and confidence in the QKA for many years, we have this week filed suit to preserve the value of ASPPA’s trademark. 

We regret that we have to take this action—but NIPA’s refusal to remedy the situation requires a response.

We’ll keep you posted as things progress.